Alright folks... if you are like me, the thought of drinking wheat grass or something that looks like grass is revolting. That being said, this weekend i decided to mess around with a smoothie that involved spinach. Spinach... I KNOW! It's rabbit food best served when covered with french dressing. Yummy. Ok back to the recipe for this post. Living in a small town leads to me being limited in resources aka fresh fruit. So many times when i peruse the produce area i find that things are wilted and yucky looking. I blame one of my college professors for this "snobbishness" when it comes to this... damn you Dr. Brown!
So this has led to my craftiness with regards to frozen food and this recipe
Green Smoothie
(that doesn't taste like crap)
1/4 cup frozen spinach
1 cup frozen fruit mix (i used Great Value's mango, pineapple, strawberry, peach assortment)
1 cup milk, juice
1/2 cup yogurt
Blend until smooth. Drink it up! Great stuff! Fills you right up too!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Trouble Zone Target Move : Back, Butt, Hamstrings
Welcome to a new series: Trouble Zone Target Moves! Every week i will be posting a few new moves that are designed to target a "problem area" or as i like to call "a place for improvement."
This is a move that always gets me while in pilates. What are your thoughts?
Cinch Spill-Over: Alphabet
This is a move that always gets me while in pilates. What are your thoughts?
Cinch Spill-Over: Alphabet
- Lie facedown on the ground with arms by sides, raising them a few inches off ground so that palms are facing forwards, thumbs pointing up.
- Lift chest and feet off the ground a few inches, squeezing glutes.
- In lifted position, use arms to form letters, holding each pose for 3 counts: First bring arms out from hips at 45-degree angle (to form an M); then move out to sides at shoulder level (to form a T); then bend elbows about 9 degrees (to form a W); lastly extend arms diagonally overhead (to form a Y).
- Reverse movement (forming Y, W, T, M), them lower chest and legs.
- Do 3 sets of 6 reps.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Tote Bag Tutorial
Someone is getting MARRIED!! My friend Alison is getting married on Cinco de Mayo of this year and Saturday was the Bridal Shower. A trio of us got together and wanted to provide her with something truly unique. So we got the brilliant idea to get her a "day of the wedding" bridal bag. We made a bag and filled it with tons of random fun things that are essential to any bride on her special day. Below you will find the instructions and photos that should help you be able to create your very own tote bag.
Tote Bag
- 1 yard of 45" fabric (home-decor weight)
- 1 spool of coordinating thread
- Bag exterior: 36" tall x 19" wide
- Bag interior: 36" tall x 19" wide
- Handles: 18" tall x 4" wide
Pull bag sides apart at cutout and pinch side and bottom seams together, lining up seams and raw edges. Stitch across corner of bag to create gusset and zigzag stitch within seam allowance to reinforce gusset. Leave exterior wrong side out. Repeat with lining piece to make lining. Turn lining right side out.
Position the Handles: Pin one handle to the right side of the lining, positioning each end of the strap 6" from each side seam, aligning the raw edges of the strap ends with the raw edge of the exterior. Allow 4" in between handle ends. Be sure the handle is not twisted and is bending toward the bottom of the bag. repeat with the second handle on the other side of the lining. Stitch the handles in place with a 1/4" seam allowance.
Add the lining: Place the lining inside the exterior with right sides together, sandwiching he handles in between the two layers. Align the side seams and top raw edge. Stitch around the top of the bag back stitiching on each handle for reinforcement, laving an opening at least 4" wide on one side between the handles for turning.
Finish the seams: Turn the bag right side out and tuck the lining inside the exterior. Fold under the raw edges of the bag opening 1/2" and press the top edge. Hand sew this closed.
Here is the finished tote filled with all kinds of goodies that a bride needs for her big day!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
NaBloPoMo: And Another Quote
February is my Blog Post a Day Month and so i have jumped onto the blog wagon and will post a blog a day based off of the prompts given by @blogherblogging. This month's theme is all about family.
NaBloPoMo Prompt of the Day (Feb. 17): What do you think: "A son is a son till he takes himself a wife, a daughter is a daughter all of her life."
Daddy's little girl... I believe in this. Even as i approach the big 3-0! I think that my dad and stepdad see me as someone that needs protecting. It's cute. Through heartbreaks and holidays, they are always there to support me no matter what.
I can't speak for the son part from personal experience but when reflecting on friend's experiences, I believe that this quote rings true in that once a man takes a wife, he ceases to be a son.
I have a friend who had the mother-in-law who only had boys and "her" boys would be hers always, no matter who they married. It was interesting to watch the transition after he got married. He went from staying out of any issue or fight to the man he is now, which is a man who supports his wife and takes her side. It was truly interesting to watch this transformation.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
NaBloPoMo: Quote
February is my Blog Post a Day Month and so i have jumped onto the blog wagon and will post a blog a day based off of the prompts given by @blogherblogging. This month's theme is all about family.
NaBloPoMo Prompt of the Day (Feb. 16): Respond to the proverb: "Treat your family like friends and your friends like family."
Friends can be your family away from home. I know that mine are. Being miles away is hard are so i am grateful for those friends that have become my family. Treating family like friends means that you forgive and forget or pick up where you left off. There should be no grudges in family since friends do not hold grudges or hold things against each other.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
NaBloPoMo: Quote
February is my Blog Post a Day Month and so i have jumped onto the blog wagon and will post a blog a day based off of the prompts given by @blogherblogging. This month's theme is all about family.
NaBloPoMo Prompt of the Day (Feb. 15): Joyce Brothers said, "When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses" True or false?
The jury is still out, i love my family even though some members drive me crazy!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
NaPoBloMo: Someone you love
February is my Blog Post a Day Month and so i have jumped onto the blog wagon and will post a blog a day based off of the prompts given by @blogherblogging. This month's theme is all about family.
NaBloPoMo Prompt of the Day (Feb. 14): Tell us about someone you love -- your partner, boyfriend/girlfriend, best friend, dog...
Well i already did one about my best friend earlier this month so let's pick a new friend. I'll write this post about Ray Ray, a sorority sister.
Rachel and I became friends through a unconventional path. I was working at the university while she was in college and i was her chapter advisor. She didn't like me initially because i told her NO. Ha ha ha!
She stuck around the university to work on her Masters Degree and we ended up working together which is where we began to hang out and become friends. She moved into the spare room of my apartment for a semester and it was hilarious! She joined in on the taco tuesday fun where we would end up joking around with "Hot Neighbor" and usually consuming a few beers or wine bottles. It totally depended on the day.
We have our own language that ranges from phrases like "Mer mer mer" which is the Bess call (dog) to "Ra de ra ra de ra" which is something that a local band calls a song. I'm sure many of you have phrases that are unique to a close friend.
Rachel then moved to Kansas City, MO and so it turned out that she was only a short/long train ride away but we usually ended up getting together every few months. Our plans consisted of sushi, shopping, drinks, and pancakes in the morning. There was one weekend where we were dead set on making tacos and as we finished shopping, the power went out and we panicked thinking that we would not get tacos that night. Thankfully we had power at her complex. It's like the gods knew that we would be a bunch of sad pandas if we did not get tacos. ha ha!
Rachel is moving back to St. Louis, MO which is even closer so i could not be more excited since now she will be only 2 hours away.
So on this Valentine's Day... i want to say i love you to my friends and family and hope that you have a fabulous day.
Monday, February 13, 2012
NaBloPoMo: Quote
February is my Blog Post a Day Month and so i have jumped onto the blog wagon and will post a blog a day based off of the prompts given by @blogherblogging. This month's theme is all about family.
NaBloPoMo Prompt of the Day (Feb. 13): What do you think of the saying, "blood is thicker than water."
This saying always makes me think of some crazy movie where Denzel Washington or Liam Neeson, as my dad, will come to save me from some international ransom plot. Ha ha! Or maybe i should go more towards the lines of Leonard DiCaprio, boyfriend, who plays my night in shining armor and rescues me from the big bad bully.
Either way... the saying has no huge impact on me as a person. I blame the movies. :)
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Quick fix workout... let's try it
Many people are looking for a quick fix workout. This workout on Pinterest is from Prevention and it claims that you can "shrink a size in 14 days." I'm never one to turn down a challenge so here we go... let's try this out and see if i can shrink a size in 14 days. ha ha!
Day 1 Strength Plan A; Speed Ladder
Day 2 Strength Plan B; Power Walk
Day 3 Strength Plan A; Speed Ladder
Day 4 Strength Plan B; Power Walk
Day 5 Strength Plan A; Speed Ladder
Day 6 Strength Plan B; Power Walk
Day 7 Active rest (no formal workout, but keep moving throughout the day)
Day 8 Strength Plan A with Make It Harder options; Speed Ladder
Day 9 Strength Plan B with Make It Harder options; Power Walk
Day 10 Strength Plan A with Make It Harder options; Speed Ladder
Day 11 Active rest
Day 12 Strength Plan B with Make It Harder options; Power Walk
Day 13 Strength Plan A with Make It Harder options; Speed Ladder
Day 14 Strength Plan B with Make It Harder options; Power Walk
Day 1 Strength Plan A; Speed Ladder
Day 2 Strength Plan B; Power Walk
Day 3 Strength Plan A; Speed Ladder
Day 4 Strength Plan B; Power Walk
Day 5 Strength Plan A; Speed Ladder
Day 6 Strength Plan B; Power Walk
Day 7 Active rest (no formal workout, but keep moving throughout the day)
Day 8 Strength Plan A with Make It Harder options; Speed Ladder
Day 9 Strength Plan B with Make It Harder options; Power Walk
Day 10 Strength Plan A with Make It Harder options; Speed Ladder
Day 11 Active rest
Day 12 Strength Plan B with Make It Harder options; Power Walk
Day 13 Strength Plan A with Make It Harder options; Speed Ladder
Day 14 Strength Plan B with Make It Harder options; Power Walk
The Strength Plan: Workout A
1. Hip drop
Firms: Front and side abs Lie facedown, balancing on elbows, forearms, and toes; abs tight. Slow It Down: Twist to right and lower right hip to floor in 4 counts. (Keep back straight.) Raise to start position in 2 counts. Repeat to left. Do 8 to 10 times each side. Make It Harder (Week 2): Do 12 to 15 times each side. | |
2. Beach Ball Hug
Firms: Chest, abs, hips Lie faceup, dumbbells above chest, elbows slightly bent, palms in. Raise left leg so shin is parallel to floor. Slow It Down: Lower arms out to sides in 4 counts as you straighten left leg, keeping foot off floor. In 2 counts, pull knee back in and raise arms, squeezing chest muscles as if you're hugging a beach ball. Do 6 times; repeat with right leg. Make It Harder (Week 2): Raise both feet off floor. | |
3. Full-body roll-up
Firms: Abs Lie faceup, legs extended, arms overhead, palms facing each other. Raise arms toward feet; pull abs in; roll head, shoulders, and back off floor; and reach toward toes in 4 counts. Slow It Down: Roll back down to floor one vertebrae at a time, taking about 6 to 8 counts to lower. Make It Harder (Week 2): Hold a light weight (2 to 3 pounds) in both hands. | |
4. Breast stroke
Firms: Upper and middle back Lie facedown, arms extended overhead, palms facing in. Lift head and arms off floor and hold for 2 counts. Lift chest a few inches off floor and swim arms out to sides and down toward legs (thumbs toward floor) in 2 counts. (Keep abs tight, toes on floor.) Slow It Down: Lower chest and bend arms, bringing them along body back to start position in 4 counts. Do 8 to 10 times. Make It Harder (Week 2): As you lift chest and swim arms, raise both feet off floor, then lower. | |
5. Read the paper
Firms: Front and side abs Sit with knees bent, heels on floor, arms in front of body, as if holding a closed newspaper. Slow It Down: Roll back halfway down to floor and twist to left in 4 counts, as if opening the paper on left side. Pull yourself up to start position in 2 counts. Repeat on right side. Do 8 to 12 times per side. Make It Harder (Week 2): Hold a light weight (2 to 3 pounds) in each hand. | |
The Strength Plan: Workout B
1. Plie with biceps curl
Firms: Biceps, glutes, quads, inner thighs Stand with feet wide, toes out, dumbbells by thighs, palms forward. Bend knees and lower for 2 counts, as you curl weights toward shoulders. Slow It Down: Squeeze glutes and inner thighs as you stand up and straighten arms in 4 counts. Do 8 to 12 times. Make It Harder (Week 2): Use heavier weights. | |
2. Forward Lunge and Raise the Roof
Firms: Shoulders, core, butt, quads Stand with feet together, dumbbells overhead, palms forward. Slow It Down: Step right foot forward and bend both knees as you lower weights toward shoulders in 4 counts. (Keep right knee over ankle.) Stand up to start position, pressing weights overhead in 2 counts. Do 8 to 12 times; switch legs. Make It Harder (Week 2): Swing left knee forward to hip height as you stand up. | |
3. Squat With Straight-Arm Pressback
Firms: Shoulders, arms, glutes, quads Stand with feet about 4 inches apart, dumbbells at sides, palms facing behind you. Slow It Down: Sit back, keeping weight over heels, as arms swing forward toward knees for 4 counts. Stand up in 2 counts while pressing weights behind you. Do 8 to 12 times. Make It Harder (Week 2): Lift left leg back and squeeze glutes as you stand; switch legs halfway through set. | |
4. Tip it Over
Firms: Arms, butt, hamstrings Stand with dumbbell in left hand at side, right hand on chair for balance. Slow It Down: Keeping spine straight and abs tight, lean forward in 4 counts, and lower left arm while lifting left leg. Stand up in 2 counts, while doing a biceps curl and raising left knee in front. Do 8 times; switch sides. Make It Harder (Week 2): Use a heavier weight and skip the chair. | |
5. Curtsy Lat Raise
Firms: Shoulders, butt, outer thighs, quads Stand with feet together, dumbbells at sides, palms in. Slow It Down: Cross right leg behind left, bend knees, and lower as you raise right arm out to side in 4 counts. (Keep left knee over ankle and facing forward.) Stand up to start position and lower arm in 2 counts. Do 8 to 12 times; switch sides. Make It Harder (Week 2): As you stand up, lift right leg out to side. | |
The Cardio Plans
Speed Ladder
This challenging exercise routine features intervals that get increasingly harder but shorter, followed by brief recovery periods.
This challenging exercise routine features intervals that get increasingly harder but shorter, followed by brief recovery periods.
Activity (Speed*)
How It Feels
Warm-up (3.0 mph)
| 4 |
Breathing harder; can speak in full sentences
Moderate walk (3.5 mph)
Slightly breathless; can still speak in full sentences
Brisk walk (3.75 mph)
Somewhat breathless; can speak in short sentences only
Moderate walk (3.5 mph)
| |
Power walk (4.0 mph)
Mostly breathless; can speak in phrases only
Moderate walk (3.5 mph)
| |
Fast walk (4.5 mph)
Breathless; can speak just a few words at a time
Moderate walk (3.5 mph)
| |
Speed walk or jog (5.0 mph)
Very breathless; can't speak
Cool-down (3.0 mph)
Breathing slows
| ||
*These are suggested speeds only and may not be appropriate for everyone. The right speed for you should be based on intensity recommendations and how you feel.
| |||
**Based on a 1-to-10 scale, with 1 being as easy as lounging on the couch and 10 as hard as sprinting to catch a bus as it pulls away
Power Walk
This cardio routine is a great way to build endurance while burning calories.
This cardio routine is a great way to build endurance while burning calories.
Activity (Speed*)
How It Feels
Warm-up (3.0 mph)
Breathing harder; can speak in full sentences
Power walk (3.5-4.0 mph)
Somewhat breathless; can speak in short sentences only
Cool-down (3.0 mph)
Breathing slows
| ||
*These are suggested speeds only and may not be appropriate for everyone. The right speed for you should be based on intensity recommendations and how you feel.
| |||
**Based on a 1-to-10 scale, with 1 being as easy as lounging on the couch and 10 as hard as sprinting to catch a bus as it pulls away
I'll let you know how things turn out in 2 weeks. I love before and after results. :)
Saturday, February 11, 2012
NaBloPoMo: Playing Catch-up
NaBloPoMo Prompt of the Day (Feb 1): Tell us about your mother
NaBloPoMo Prompt of the Day (Feb 2): Tell us about your father
My father is a cool dude too. He is my NASCAR buddy who goes with me to races in Indiana or California. He currently is enjoying retirement and his second career. He also has to wrangling my 3 half-brothers as they navigate their teens and college years. Good luck with that one! My sister and i were a handful, i can't even imagine what it's like to deal with this in boys.
NaBloPoMo Prompt of the Day (Feb 3): Do you have any siblings? What are they like?
Oh mom... i love my mother. She is truly an amazing woman. One of my favorite trips with my mom was when she helped move me out to the midwest and we took a few days and explored the country. We stopped at several parks in Utah and this photo was taken while hiking the Narrows in Zion. Wading through the Narrows was a blast, i want to go back and hike the whole length of it.
My father is a cool dude too. He is my NASCAR buddy who goes with me to races in Indiana or California. He currently is enjoying retirement and his second career. He also has to wrangling my 3 half-brothers as they navigate their teens and college years. Good luck with that one! My sister and i were a handful, i can't even imagine what it's like to deal with this in boys.
NaBloPoMo Prompt of the Day (Feb 3): Do you have any siblings? What are they like?
I have one sister and 3 half-brothers. My sister and i are like oil and vinegar but we can have an entire conversation with movie quotes and still get the point across. The half-brothers are hilarious. Every holiday i see them and we have our traditions... the oldest boy and i go to a movie every year and i continue to give the middle one a "middle child" complex while reassuring the youngest that he is my favorite. These boys are hilarious.
Friday, February 10, 2012
NaBloPoMo: Distance
February is my Blog Post a Day Month and so i have jumped onto the blog wagon and will post a blog a day based off of the prompts given by @blogherblogging. This month's theme is all about family.
NaBloPoMo Prompt of the Day (Feb. 10): Do you live close to your family?
I live 1000 miles from my mom and stepdad and 2000 miles from my dad and the rest of the crew. Even though they are only a flight away it still feels like a a LONG distance.
Thankfully they will always be there via phone when a crisis emerges or when i simply need to tell my mom about the wacky package i got from my grandmother. P.S. It was a sock full of quarters today. Yikes!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
NaBloPoMo: Quote
February is my Blog Post a Day Month and so i have jumped onto the blog wagon and will post a blog a day based off of the prompts given by @blogherblogging. This month's theme is all about family.
NaBloPoMo Prompt of the Day (Feb. 9): Talk about this quote: "Fate chooses your relations, you choose your friends."
This is such a true quote. When i look back on my 30 years of life... this is something that i hold dear. Granted i do love my family...some more than others but regardless of how i feel about certain members, i am stuck with them. Thank goodness that fate made a good choice in my parents, they are a great support to me.
Friends are a choice and as i got older i found that i cared less about the "cursory" friends and focused more on the true friends. There is absolutely no reason to have thousands of friends and to be honest, a thousand friends seems a little unmanageable. So that being said i think that i have chosen some great friends throughout my life and will continue to do so throughout the rest of my life.
NaBloPoMo Prompt of the Day (Feb. 9): Talk about this quote: "Fate chooses your relations, you choose your friends."
This is such a true quote. When i look back on my 30 years of life... this is something that i hold dear. Granted i do love my family...some more than others but regardless of how i feel about certain members, i am stuck with them. Thank goodness that fate made a good choice in my parents, they are a great support to me.
Friends are a choice and as i got older i found that i cared less about the "cursory" friends and focused more on the true friends. There is absolutely no reason to have thousands of friends and to be honest, a thousand friends seems a little unmanageable. So that being said i think that i have chosen some great friends throughout my life and will continue to do so throughout the rest of my life.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
NaBloPoMo: Best Friend, Another Sister
February is my Blog Post a Day Month and so i have jumped onto the blog wagon and will post a blog a day based off of the prompts given by @blogherblogging. This month's theme is all about family.
NaBloPoMo Prompt of the Day (Feb 8): Do you have a friend who is practically a brother or sister?
The answer would be a resounding YES!!!
By the time that this posts, it will be 36 days til i visit California and get to see my best friend Melissa who is like a sister. We have been friends since high school and she is the first person i call in any situation. She is my sounding board as well as support and is always positive and uplifting no matter what the reason is for my call from the midwest.
We have so many funny stories from college and our adult life which have continued to bring us closer together.
One of my favorite memories involves a year that i showed up as a surprise for a party which was also the first time that i met Melissa's future husband. He immediately walked up to me and introduced himself and said that he had been instructed that he had to kiss my butt if he wanted to date Melissa.
As a result of this there is photographic evidence that he kissed my butt. See below...
Since i live in the Midwest, it is hard to see each other all the time but we have the kind of relationship where nothing is missed by distance... things just pick right back up.
NaBloPoMo Prompt of the Day (Feb 8): Do you have a friend who is practically a brother or sister?
The answer would be a resounding YES!!!
By the time that this posts, it will be 36 days til i visit California and get to see my best friend Melissa who is like a sister. We have been friends since high school and she is the first person i call in any situation. She is my sounding board as well as support and is always positive and uplifting no matter what the reason is for my call from the midwest.
We have so many funny stories from college and our adult life which have continued to bring us closer together.
One of my favorite memories involves a year that i showed up as a surprise for a party which was also the first time that i met Melissa's future husband. He immediately walked up to me and introduced himself and said that he had been instructed that he had to kiss my butt if he wanted to date Melissa.
As a result of this there is photographic evidence that he kissed my butt. See below...
Since i live in the Midwest, it is hard to see each other all the time but we have the kind of relationship where nothing is missed by distance... things just pick right back up.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Chicken, Sweet Potato and Apple Skillet
I made this yesterday and it combines some of my favorite things (Sweet Potatoes and Apples). I think that I might try adding zucchini next time. This recipe is perfect for a cold night when comfort food is the only thing that will satisfy.
Chicken, Sweet Potato and Apple Skillet
Chicken, Sweet Potato and Apple Skillet
1lb boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1/2" cubes
3 slices of bacon, chopped
1 1/2 cup brussels sprouts, trimmed and quartered
1 medium sweet potato, peeled and cut into 1/2" cubes
1 medium onion, chopped
2 golden delicious apples, peeled, cored and cute into 3/4" cubes
4 cloves of garlic, sliced
1/4 tsp dried thyme
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1 cup chicken broth
1/8 tsp salt
- Season chicken lightly with salt
- Heat 2 tbsp of oil in pan over medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook until lightly browned and cooked through, about 5 minutes. Transfer to plate.
- Return pan to heat and add remaining 2 tbsp oil. Stir in bacon and cook until brown, about 2 minutes.
- Add Brussels sprouts, sweet potato, and onion. Cook, stirring occasionally, until crisp-tender, about 5 minutes.
- Stir in apples. garlic, thyme, and cinnamon. Cook 3 minutes.
- Pour in 1/2 cup of broth, bring to a boil, and cook until evaporated, about 2 minutes.
- Add chicken and remaining 1/2 cup of broth. Season with salt and black pepper as needed. Cook until hot, about 2 minutes.
NaBloPoMo: Favorite Person in my Extended Family
February is my Blog Post a Day Month and so i have jumped onto the blog wagon and will post a blog a day based off of the prompts given by @blogherblogging. This month's theme is all about family.
NaBloPoMo Prompt of the Day (Feb 7): Who is your favorite person in your extended family?
My favorite person in my extended family would have to be a group of people. It would be my cousins.
Amanda and Melanie are similar in age to my sister and I. We had so much fun as kids. My favorite memories of them are from summer/winter's in Lake Tahoe where the four of us would spend several hours practicing and putting together a singing show for the rest of the family. We were the entertainment for the rest of the family when we were kids. They are two great women who are doing great things in their communities.
Monday, February 6, 2012
NaBloPoMo: Tell us about your grandparents
February is my Blog Post a Day Month and so i have jumped onto the blog wagon and will post a blog a day based off of the prompts given by @blogherblogging. This month's theme is all about family.
NaBloPoMo Prompt of the Day (Feb 6): Tell us about your grandparents
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My mom's parents |
Oh grandparents.... they are so much more than a Christmas card and 20 bucks on your birthday. I lost my grandfather between Thanksgiving and Christmas in 2011. He was an amazing man who til the day he died would refer to me as "eric" or "peanut." Some of my favorite childhood memories with him were over the holidays when we would watch football and cheer on whatever team i liked at the time. My grandmother continues to provide comic relief into her 80s. As she has gotten older, her "absent mindedness" has continued to show itself.
Roommates in college will attest to the random cards and newspaper clipping that i would receive about topics ranging from student debt to weight loss. I guess that she was trying to send me a message.... naw! After college and in graduate school, this grandma graduated to packages and random things. Whenever a package would arrive on my front door, it was usually the "free crap" given away at the casinos that grandma thought that i absolutely needed.
The package that takes the cake is one that was full of unmentionables. My grandmother has battled through cancer and the loss of lung and as a result has lost a lot of weight. Because she lost all of this weight, she got it into her mind that i would love to have her old clothing that no longer fits her. WRONG! As she was going through this "spring cleaning" process, she decided to mail me a box full of bras and undies... granny pants up to your boobs and full coverage bras... not my style at all. The roommates and i got a huge laugh out of this and since that day, that package has gone down as "the package heard 'round the world."
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My dad's parents |
Some of my favorite memories of these two involve a box of macaroni and cheese in their old house. I remember as a kid that my sister and i would always make our way over their house and immediately request mac and cheese. It didn't matter if it was 8 o'clock in the morning or night... we wanted that yummy cheesy mac from the blue box.
I also had a step grandmother from my stepdad who was lovely lady from Austria that always had chocolate in her house. Whenever we would go visit her she would have chocolate in the fridge that we would immediately gravitate towards.
The last set of grandparents are from my stepmom. While Manuel passed away a few ears back, Tomie still lives on and makes tons of food for everyone. My favorite memories of these two together are gathering on Christmas Eve and singing Feliz Navidad while Manuel strummed the guitar. Tomie still to this day makes tortillas and pesole which are two of my favorite things!!!!
Month 2 of Couch to 13.1 miles
Here is my month two schedule of couch to 13.1 miles. I am still doing yoga and walking on my days off.
The weather has been so nice around here that I am still training outside. I have a sneaking suspicion that this month will be the month that i transition to training inside simply due to the weather changing and usually being horrible in the month of February. I am loving to run and so motivated for what is to come.
The weather has been so nice around here that I am still training outside. I have a sneaking suspicion that this month will be the month that i transition to training inside simply due to the weather changing and usually being horrible in the month of February. I am loving to run and so motivated for what is to come.
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