Monday, August 20, 2012

Motivation Monday

This past week I was in Colorado visiting my mom and stepdad. Being in the altitude was something that I knew would affect my runs and marathon training but I figured that I would push through it. Oh man, talk about a struggle. I started out my 14 mile run on the treadmill in the office. At mile 7, the treadmill stopped working, I BROKE IT! Geez. So then I took it to the outside. I found a 2-mile loop through the neighborhood but it was characterized by a major hill that i dreaded. But i pushed through. I had to stop and walk several times but I completed my run and felt awesome at the end. I didn't even look at my time since I knew that my time would suck but I completed it which was the big thing.

Keep it up!

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up even if I sound like a dying cow while doing my workout video??? :) By the way, love the new background!
