Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week 5 Results

And then the scale read... 161. Time to kick it into high gear. I want to break the 160 barrier.

My motivation for fitness that will also be a celebration of success is the Nike Women's Marathon next fall. It has a raffle entry process so there are no guarantees that I'll get to do it but it never hurts to try. This one sounds like a lot of fun since you run through San Francisco and are greeted at the finish line by tuxedo clad men and a Tiffany blue box!

Fall is a long way off so i will warm up with the Illinois Marathon next April. I am getting into the swing of running and an finding my stride. I can't wait for it to warm up so i can take my runs outside. Too bad that will be 5-6 months from now. Blah!


  1. It is amazing, def enter... its a great course, a great time, and super well organized... and there's the Tiffany'

  2. i know, i saw pics from friend's that did it and i thought that this would an excuse to plan a fun weekend in SF also. :) The Tiffany's bling is a bonus!
